Men, whose penis does not differ in impressive size, in every possible way want to increase it.
Moreover, this desire arises in both young and rather respectable representatives of the stronger sex.
There are mechanical, medical and surgical methods to enlarge the penis. Which one to choose is up to the man himself.

Penis enlargement products
Mechanical means for enlarging the penis include vacuum pumps and extenders. These simple devices are presented on the medical equipment market in a wide range and in different price categories.
The action of these devices is based on mechanical stretching of the cavernous bodies of the penis. If the effect on the organ occurs regularly, it can be increased by this method by 1-2 cm.
Surgical intervention is an extreme measure, which is usually resorted to in situations where the penis has congenital malformations and intercourse for this reason is not possible. However, such operations have a lot of contraindications and do not always end successfully.
Even if there is a result from the operation, after 2-3 months the penis can regain its original size. This is due to the fact that during the procedure, adipose tissue is implanted into the man's genital organ, which, under the influence of some factors, can dissolve over time. These are the unpleasant prospects, and the operation costs a lot of money.
Systemic medications have proven themselves well in this regard. The most popular among men today are the means to increase libido and ensure a powerful erection, which in itself already implies an increase in the penis.
However, the drugs are more likely for those men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, however, they also have an interesting effect, allowing you to enlarge the penis.
Manufacturers of intimate preparations today widely advertise liniments for penile enlargement, which are applied topically.
Gel for male organ
Penis enlargement cream, gel and ointment are those preparations that are rubbed into the body of the penis. Many men are interested in the question: do these funds really help? It is best to look for the answer to it in the reviews of those people who have already tried the effect of the drug on themselves.
Penis enlargement creams, gels and ointments work for some time, so they should be used immediately before intercourse. The duration of the effect lasts about 2 hours.
What is this gel for?
- Liniment improves local blood circulation, due to which penis enlargement occurs.
- The product moisturizes the skin of the penis.
- The gel is an additional lubricant.
- Feelings of proximity become brighter and deeper.
Most popular drugs
The pharmaceutical market today is literally flooded with funds to improve the intimate life of people. Penile enlargement creams and gels are no exception. Manufacturers, due to the great competition, create more and more new drugs.
Some remedies help, others don't. This factor depends not only on the quality of the drug, but also on:
- how regularly a man uses a cream;
- how serious the problem is (some men just make it up, in fact there is no problem);
- how the body reacts to the drug (individual characteristics).
It is possible that a man just needs to drink a remedy to improve an erection. Preparations made on the basis of pantogematogen (extract from the antlers of young deer) have unique qualities. They not only eliminate erectile dysfunction, but also contribute to the rejuvenation of the body as a whole.
If a man nevertheless believes that his "dignity" requires an increase, he is offered gels and ointments for topical use.
It is recommended to apply a gel or cream to the entire surface of the penis, but at the same time avoid getting the drug on the delicate skin of the head. Hand movements should be smooth, massaging. Rub in the product until it is completely absorbed.
In addition to the fact that the drug affects the organ, massage of the penis is a kind of mechanical stretching of the penis. Over time, the cavernous bodies of the penis increase and no longer return to their original state.
Is it possible to achieve permanent gain when using the gel
The ointment for penis enlargement can give a permanent effect with prolonged use.
And the feeling that the penis has really increased is achieved through a powerful erection, which can be achieved with the use of sprays and powders.
One of these effective drugs is potency spray.
Spey has a lot of advantages:
- Makes an erection lasting.
- Increases the duration of intercourse.
- Enhances libido and brightens sensations.
- Improves the quality and quantity of semen.
- Promotes a long orgasm in a woman.
- Fights impotence.
Opinions of doctors
We especially recommend taking into account the opinion of doctors, adrologists and surgeons who are well aware of the problem of the size of the genitals and how to increase the penis both in length and in thickness.