If a man is dissatisfied with the size of his genital organ, then he should not despair, because many effective methods have been developed to cope with this problem. We have collected the most popular ways to enlarge the penis, consider their main features.

Normal penis sizes depending on age
The penis is called manhood for a reason. Penis size very often affects a man's self-esteem and his confidence in his sexual capabilities in front of a woman, masculinity. The small size of the phallus can cause serious psychological discomfort and, over time, develop into an inferiority complex.
However, many men exaggerate the problem and underestimate the size of their genitals. While the following indicators are considered the norm:
Age | Cock is erect | At rest |
14-15 years old | From 11 cm | From 7 cm |
16-18 years old | From 13 cm | From 9 cm |
19 or more | From 14 cm | From 10 cm |
If the size of the penis is less than the above data and the man is seriously concerned about this problem, then perhaps you should really think about enlarging the penis.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis?
Penis enlargement is quite realistic. Moreover, a huge number of methods have been developed that really help. It can be:
- invasive (with skin penetration, for example, surgery);
- minimally invasive (minimal interference with the body and the invasiveness of the procedure, for example, injections);
- non-invasive techniques (non-surgical way to enlarge the penis, for example, wearing devices, etc. ).
One method may take more than one month of effort, while the other will have a noticeable result in the first days. Which of the ways to choose is up to the man only, but first you need to deal with the existing options for penis enlargement.
Indications for enlargement
The main indication is a man's desire to enlarge his penis. This need arises in the following cases:
- small size of the penis by nature;
- desire to satisfy a sexual partner;
- a man's desire to improve self-esteem;
- penile dysmorphophobia;
- erectile dysfunction due to psychological problems: shame, embarrassment, lack of confidence in their abilities before intercourse;
- congenital malformations;
- acquired deformities due to trauma, etc.
Penis head enlargement
If a man is worried solely about the size or shape of the head of the penis, then there are methods that help to quickly and effectively solve the problem. The most effective are invasive and minimally invasive procedures.
Surgical intervention helps to enlarge the glans penis in a short time and maintain the effect for a long time. Popular operations:
- Frenulotomy - plastic surgery of the frenum. Provides for the correction of the vertical fold of the foreskin, helps to open the head. It is performed by radio wave, surgical and laser methods.
- Circumism is a procedure for the excision of the foreskin of the penis. Helps to expose the head, keeps the effect forever.
Among minimally invasive procedures, hyaluronic acid injections, lipofilling (the patient's fat is used) are common. Such manipulations are effective and help to achieve a pronounced visual effect on the day of the procedure. But they have a drawback - the result is short-lived, it is enough for 6-18 months.
Increased penis thickness
If a man is satisfied with the length of the penis, but the volume is not, then this problem can be solved with the help of phalloplasty. Currently, patients who wish to increase the thickness of the penis are offered several main options for surgical correction:
- Transplantation of a small area of the rectus abdominis muscle (blood supply to the muscle is maintained, so the likelihood of postoperative complications is small. The procedure is traumatic for the patient, since after it, physical activity is limited for six months).
- Implantation of skin and adipose tissue (good cosmetic result, but over time 70% of the tissue undergoes lysis, i. e. dissolution).
- Transplantation of the vascularized area of the fascia of the superficial muscle of the chest (the most common, since the effect is long-lasting, the graft is plastic, therefore it makes it easy to model the required shape).
If a man is not ready for a radical solution to the problem, then less traumatic and safer methods are suitable, for example, the same injections of hyaluronic acid, lipofilling. You can also regularly engage in penis enlargement exercises, perform genital massage, use various devices (extenders, pumps, stretchers, etc. ) and special attachments.
Medication augmentation
The medical method of penis enlargement involves the use of hormonal drugs. According to doctors, they contribute to the growth of the genitals. However, you cannot assign them to yourself independently, sincethese medicines, if used improperly (for example, with an excessive daily dosage or a long period of treatment), can cause serious complications (disruption of the adrenal glands, hormonal failure, etc. ).
In order for the development of the genitals to take place in accordance with the norm, without delay, the representatives of the stronger sex need regular production of gonadotropin and testosterone.
Hormone therapy uses pills and injections that contain growth hormone, for example:
- chorionic gonadotropin;
- rotted;
- horagon, etc.
Creams, gels, ointments, sprays
Various penis enlargement creams are often used in combination with other methods. They serve more as an auxiliary method. Their principle of action is to stimulate blood flow in the tissues of the genital organ, due to the warming, stimulating effect. As a result, they:
- painlessly enlarge the penis due to blood flow to the penis;
- improve potency and sex drive;
- increase the sensitivity of the genitals;
- eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs;
- serve as an excellent prevention of urological diseases, such as inflammation of the prostate, etc. ;
- relieve dryness of mucous membranes, some gels and creams can be used as a lubricant.
Various nutritional supplements are also popular. Dietary supplements in the form of capsules, tablets, often have a natural composition of valuable natural ingredients. They saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, creating favorable conditions for the normal growth of the penis.
Hyaluronic acid to increase
Hyaluronic acid is an essential structural component of the skin. It fills the intercellular space and protects cells from damage. Fully biocompatible with the human body. With the help of dense hyaluronic acid based gels, you can model the shape and size of the penis. The effect is good, but temporary. The gel dissolves, so repeated injections are required after six months or a year.
Penis enlargement surgery
Many techniques have been developed for plastic enlargement of the penis. Surgical intervention gives 100% result, but it has its drawbacks.
This penis enlargement operation does not involve the implantation of biological or synthetic implants into the penis, or the introduction of various substances to enlarge the penis (for example, silicone, fat or hyaluronic acid).
The operation consists in releasing the hidden part of the penis, which is located under the pubic region. This is done by transecting the ligamentous support that fixes the penis to the pelvic bones. Subsequently, the patient is required to wear an extender (it is this device that will pull out the hidden penis, so the result is not noticeable immediately - somewhere in 3-6 months).
This kind of plastic surgery of the penis does not affect the thickness of the organ or its appearance. It lengthens the penis by 3-5 cm from the original length. Many men fear that they will have problems with erection after surgery. However, the technique of the operation does not involve affecting the ligaments and blood vessels, which are responsible for the riser in a man.
This procedure involves the subcutaneous injection of the patient's own adipose tissue into the penis. The latter is obtained by liposuction of the abdomen, thighs or lower back. This operation eliminates the likelihood of allergic-inflammatory reactions, filler rejection. It is considered relatively safe and well tolerated by patients.
But the injected adipose tissue tends to be absorbed, becausethe new site lacks the vessels that previously fed it. The process of dissolution of the filler occurs at a different rate for each patient, so repeated injections may be required after 6-24 months. In addition, the shape of the penis can be deformed due to the unevenness of the fat layer. The procedure is more aimed at thickening the penis rather than lengthening it. Provides good results ≈ 1. 5-2. 5 cm wide.
Other types of operations
Falloprosthetics is another popular operation, the goal of which is to provide the patient with an erection-capable prosthesis. It is performed in cases where other treatment cannot provide restoration of potency. It is often performed after serious injuries, malignant and benign tumors of impressive size, damage to nerve fibers, due to a gross violation of the blood supply to the penis, as well as when changing sex.
Dentures can be:
- hard - practically not used, becausedue to the filler, the penis is in tension;
- plastic - retain the position given to the penis;
- inflatable - allow simulating a different physiological state of the phallus, are the most in demand.
If there is a curvature of the penis, corporoplasty is performed. There are several methods for its implementation:
- Plication technique. It is performed if the angle of curvature of the penis does not exceed 45 °, there are no problems with erection. It involves shortening the penis on the longer side by suturing. If the penis is small, then the operation is performed in conjunction with ligamentotomy.
- Patchwork technique. Effective for complex deformations, for example, "bottle neck", "hourglass". Assumes the use of transplant material.
Magnification at home
You can enlarge your penis at home. Popular recipes, exercises, and various pulling devices are widely popular.
Sometimes men practice penis enlargement with soda. Sodium carbonate is used for these purposes in various variations:
- For trays. Stir a tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. Place the penis in a bath with soda solution for 10 minutes. Additionally, you can add decoctions and extracts of plants that improve blood circulation: oak bark, St. John's wort, string, chamomile, etc.
- As a scrub. Recipe: Mix equal proportions of liquid honey and soda and apply on a wet penis with stroking massage movements. If discomfort occurs, wash off immediately.
The effect of enlarging the penis is possible due to the rush of blood to the organ. The result will be short-term, so this method can be used as an auxiliary one and no more than 2 times a week.
Penis Enlargement Exercises
There are many penis enlargement exercises: Taoist, stretching, bell, flexion, Aaron Kemmer's exercise system, Kegel exercises, etc.
If you train regularly (preferably every day for at least 10-15 minutes), you can achieve impressive results: expand and lengthen the penis by 1-2 cm in 2 months. The result depends on the individual characteristics of the man's body, the intensity of the exercises and the time interval during which they are performed.
In addition to penis enlargement, such exercises help to improve microcirculation, vascular condition, eliminate congestion, and increase local immunity.
Pump and Hydropump
The pump and hydraulic pump operate on a similar principle. The design of these devices includes:
- a flask with a valve for evacuating air (in the case of a pump) or water (in the case of a hydraulic pump);
- elastic crimp for a snug fit and increased suction.
To enlarge his penis with a pump, a man will need to place his penis in a flask and pump out the air. This can be done using a special pear (if the model provides for its presence) or simply attach the device tightly to the pubis. Soa vacuum is created inside the flask, due to which the penis is stretched. The pressure in the instruments can be adjusted.
The difference between a hydraulic pump and a pump is that the stretching of the penis is carried out not due to vacuum, but due to hydromassage. Those. the man will need to pour water into the flask, then place the penis in it and pump out the excess water.
Using such devices, it is very important to find the optimal pressure that would provide good tissue tension, but at the same time would not cause discomfort: pain, burning, numbness, tingling. It is recommended to start with low pressure and gradually increase it so that the tissues of the penis have time to adapt.
Special attachments can be used to quickly enlarge the penis without surgery, exhausting exercises and wearing devices. They are put on immediately before intercourse on the erect penis, and therefore do not affect its anatomical features.
These items are suitable for those who want:
- compensate for the natural size of the penis;
- to give a woman full satisfaction from sex;
- to diversify sex life.
There are different attachments for penis enlargement:
- lengthening (usually closed, put on like a condom, increase from 2 to 10 cm);
- thickening (usually open, can be of various shapes: spiral, bracelet, mesh in the form of a cylinder, short, like an erection ring, etc. );
- combined (increase the size of the penis both in length and width).
These sex toys can have different surfaces (for example, pimples, ribs, antennae, thorns, etc. ), color and material (most realistic - cyber skin).
Sometimes a member is enlarged with a clamp. This device is attached to the base of the penis and prevents the outflow of blood from the organ, thus. the width of the phallus gradually increases.
Extender is a kind of penis extender. It enlarges the organ by mechanical stretching of the tissues. Over time, the skin and muscles of the penis stretch, regeneration processes start, the cellular composition is renewed, the phallus gradually increases.
Devices are of different types (loop, strap, vacuum and vacuum-adhesive), they all have a similar design:
- Two rings that are fixed at the head and base of the penis.
- Two rods between rings, which change their length using an adjusting knot.
Judging by the reviews on the Internet, these devices help to achieve good results: from 1-2 cm in length for 1 month of use. In addition to penis enlargement, these devices are widely used to correct the curvature of the phallus, as well as to stretch the penis after ligamentotomy.
The effect will be noticeable if you wear this stretcher for at least 6 hours a day. At the beginning of classes, you can do 3 sets of 2 hours per day. As the penile tissue adapts to the load, gradually shorten the break between sets and lengthen the continuous wearing time.
Jelqing is an intense self-massage (comparable to masturbation or milking) that increases pressure in the penis, stimulates blood flow and tissue growth. It is performed in order to increase the length and width of the head and trunk of the penis. Also, this technique helps to increase sexual stamina and learn how to control ejaculation.
There are dry and wet jelqing. The latter involves the use of grease, special oil or petroleum jelly. The principle of this technique is to intensively repeatedly stretch the penis with two fingers (index and thumb) from the base to the head. Penis hardness should be approximately 70%.
At the beginning of the session, it is recommended to carry out exercises daily for 10 minutes, then to increase the time and their intensity.
Stretching with a load
Suspension of weights in order to enlarge the penis should be started only if the man has been practicing various exercises that affect the size of the penis for more than six months. The tissues and muscles of the phallus are not prepared at the beginning of the session, and such an intense load can be harmful. The consequences can be dire: damage to the integrity of blood vessels, impaired blood supply, numbness, decreased sensitivity and erection.
Principle of operation: an attachment (for example, a hanger) is fixed on the phallus, on which the load is suspended. It is recommended to start with a small mass - no more than 1-2 kg, the time interval for classes is from 15 to 30 minutes. Several such activities should be done per day. The break between them should not be less than 10 minutes. The position of the body in this case can be: sitting or standing.
As with the Extender, Exercise, Pump, and Hydropump, weighted stretching is effective when exercising regularly and gradually increasing the load. Therefore, when the tissues and muscles of the penis adapt (usually this happens after a month of training), you can increase the weight up to 3 kg and time up to 40-50 minutes in one approach.
This is a pretty extreme method to enlarge the penis. It gives its results even when the extender, exercises, pumps no longer cause the growth of the penis, despite all efforts.
Increase with folk remedies
To enlarge the penis, men use folk remedies. Most effective topical recipes:
- trays;
- gadgets;
- compresses.
For lotions, it is recommended to use aloe juice with honey. This combination of ingredients has antibacterial, regenerating, stimulating and immunomodulatory effects. This recipe can be used not only to increase potency, but also for the complex treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. For cooking, squeeze 1 tbsp from the plant. juice and mix it with 1 tbsp. honey. Apply the composition to a small piece of gauze or cotton. tissue and attach to the penis for 10 minutes.
For compresses it is recommended to use nicotinic acid with ginger oil. The first is a group of water-soluble PP vitamins. It has a vasodilating effect, thereby improving blood flow in tissues. In addition, it has hepatoprotective and detoxifying effects. In combination with ginger oil, it improves potency and prevents various urological diseases. For preparation, open an ampoule with nicotinic acid and mix with 20 drops of oil. Apply the composition to the fabric, wrap the penis and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse thoroughly.
Baths can be carried out using herbs and plants (ginseng, thyme, ginkgo biloba, Peruvian poppy), a few drops of iodine (for disinfection and prevention of infection). The ingredients should be mixed together and added to hot water. After 10-15 minutes, take a bath with the prepared infusion.
Warming massage for penis enlargement is a good addition to all of the above methods. It can be used after exercising, using stretching devices, attachments to relax muscles and organ tissues.
It is recommended to prepare a phallus beforehand. First you need to bandage your penis with a warm, damp bandage. This will warm the tissues and allow blood flow. Next, you should apply lubricant to the skin of the penis, distribute it and proceed with the massage technique itself.
Grasp the penis with your hands and make smooth, circular movements. When the penis is in a state of full erection, squeeze the penis with two fingers at the base and hold it for 5-10 seconds. Then you should pull the skin of the penis towards the head, hold it for 5 seconds. Next, lower your fingers to the pubis, stretch the skin as much as possible, hold it for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. You can add elements of bending, twisting, dragging the member in different directions.
After intense exercise, finish the session with a relaxing massage - stroking movements until artificial ejaculation.
Penis Enlargement Products
To ensure optimal conditions for normal growth of the penis, it is recommended to eat properly. Some foods have a positive effect on penis size and erection. These include:
- Proteins of plant and animal origin (beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, lean meats, eggs, dairy products, etc. ).
- Seafood. They are rich in polyunsaturated fats, vitamins B, PP, C, microelements. Due to the large amount of valuable substances, these products are the key to good health, have a positive effect on potency. Among the most useful: oysters, scallops, shrimps, squid, crabs, sea fish.
- Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, carrots, beets, Brussels sprouts.
- Herbs: dill, parsley, celery, onion.
- Groats: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley.
- Beekeeping products.
- Fruits: kiwi, banana, mango, avocado.
The menu must be varied. The more healthy foods in the diet (with proper heat treatment: cooking, steaming, stewing, baking), the more the body will receive the necessary substances for normal growth of the penis.
Is it possible to increase the size of the penis for a long time?
The only method that is guaranteed to provide a long-lasting result is surgery. Minimally invasive procedures, be it hyaluronic acid injections or lipofilling, require repeated procedures after 6-24 months (depending on the volume of the initially injected filler and the individual characteristics of the patient).
If penis enlargement was achieved with the help of exercises, traction devices or other methods, then the result must be maintained, becausein the future, muscle tissue and skin can return to their previous state.