Making the penis longer, adding a few extra centimeters to it - for some men, this desire turns into an almost obsessive idea. An idea that pushes you to dangerous experiments, some of which turn out to be simply financial losses, wasted time and deep disappointment, and some of which - a forced visit to a urologist and long-term treatment.

The problem with the size of the penis really exists. Some men are born with a very small penis, which makes it difficult for them to fully satisfy the sexual needs of women. Sometimes men turn to private medical clinics with this kind of "trouble", and doctors can offer help to men with small penis. But, unfortunately, much more often urologists have to treat the sad consequences of "home" attempts to make the penis bigger.
Which member can be considered small?
The very concept of "norm" for male genitalia is rather arbitrary. Too much here is determined by the individual anatomical characteristics of a particular pair. But there are so-called "average" values, based on which we can talk about whether a man's penis is small, normal, or excessively large.
The starting point here is the depth of the female vagina. In nulliparous women, this figure fluctuates within 7 centimeters. In women who have given birth, the depth of the vagina is about 10 centimeters. Moreover, during arousal, the vagina can lengthen by 150-200%. Thus, the conventional concept of the norm in relation to the length of the penis can be considered values of 10-20 centimeters. A longer penis will give a woman discomfort or even pain, and too small will not allow full filling of an excited vagina and can become an obstacle to a woman's sexual satisfaction.
Useless (and dangerous! ) Ways to enlarge your penis

The Internet is literally replete with a variety of proposals to make a penis 10-15 centimeters longer, which in itself should both alert and raise questions. In addition to the fact that all these "miracle methods" are useless, they are often also capable of causing harm. There are 4 main groups of false methods to "increase" a member.
1. Ointments, creams, gels
Any "miraculous" ointments on "Chinese" or "Tibetan" herbs, at best, will be simply useless. In the worst case, they can cause an allergic skin reaction, which will then have to be dealt with by a urologist or dermatologist.
2. Manual stretching
A simple "old-fashioned" method, the essence of which is to sit and stretch the penis lengthwise with your hands. You might as well try to enlarge the ear or nose, for example.
3. Extenders
Extenders are special devices that allow you to keep your penis "at a stretch" for many hours in a row. Extenders are almost invisible under trousers, and therefore they can be worn as long as required, but this also does not bring the desired effect. Some men, instead of extenders, wear small weights attached to the penis. This also does not bring any result, but the risk of injury to the protein membrane or cavernous bodies of the penis increases significantly.
4. Vacuum pumps
The method is not only practically useless, but also associated with a high risk of microtrauma to the soft tissues of the penis, which can result in Peyronie's disease and other unpleasant problems. Using a vacuum pump is useful for erectile dysfunction, but certainly not for penis enlargement.
So is there a solution to the problem?

Today urology can offer men only one guaranteed method of enlarging the penis - ligamentotomy. This is a surgical operation, the essence of which is to cut the frenum, that is, the ligament by which the penis is attached to the pelvic bone. Depending on the individual characteristics, this method can increase the penis by 2-5 centimeters due to the release of that part of the penis that was previously hidden.
If ligamentotomy is performed by a qualified urological surgeon, the likelihood of postoperative complications is minimized, and the male penis is transferred from the "small" category to the "normal" category, which can sometimes be a decisive factor in saving a marriage. Unfortunately, there is no other way to correct such a mistake of nature as a small penis.