The modern world provides many ways to help you enlarge your penis. However, it is not their effectiveness that is confusing, but the long period of achieving the desired results.
For example, an extender must be worn for at least six months in order to obtain a permanent increase, the same can be said about a vacuum pump, which must be used for three months.
The fastest option is a plastic enlargement of the penis, which increases the penis not only in length, but is also able to add in thickness. But, plastic surgery requires a considerable investment of financial resources, a long and painful rehabilitation period, and no one is immune from complications.
Despite this, many representatives of the stronger sex more and more often resort to this method of enlargement, because the result remains for life. And with a competent selection of a clinic and a highly qualified surgeon, side effects can be avoided.
In connection with the effectiveness, and most importantly, the popularity of such a procedure, it is necessary to find out how plastic augmentation occurs, by how many centimeters the penis can be enlarged, and also to consider the indications and contraindications of the procedure.
Penis surgery: indications and contraindications

Harmonious sexual relations play an important role in a man's life. That is why special attention is paid to the size of the penis. Plastic surgery will help to increase not only the penis, but also to correct functional disorders, the anatomical shape of the penis.
This type of surgical intervention is carried out in various directions: it can be carried out from a medical point of view, or it can be done for a cosmetic purpose, or it can be an operation to enlarge the penis.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, men turn to enlarge the genital organ, or to correct the natural curvature of the penis.
Plastic surgery has its own indications for surgical intervention:
- Low potency, which was the result of vascular disorders, deformation of the genital organ, endocrine diseases.
- Erectile dysfunction in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
- Hypertrophic pathological changes in the tissues of the cavernous bodies of the genital organ.
- Congenital abnormal development of the penis.
- Various mechanical damage to the penis.
- Operations that were carried out on neighboring organs.
The indications include the desire to change sex, or the desire of a man to enlarge the penis, since the modest size of the penis significantly impairs the quality of intimate life, and lead to failures in bed.
Plastic also has the following contraindications:
- Children under the age of 18.
- Mental disorders.
- Diseases of the blood, a violation of its coagulability.
- Chronic diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders and other general surgical contraindications.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diseases.
- Acute infectious processes in the body.
If mental disorders are an absolute contraindication, then some diseases are relative. In a number of situations, the doctor recommends visiting other doctors in order to receive appropriate treatment for the treatment of concomitant diseases.
After the restoration of the body, and getting rid of pathological conditions, these contraindications become irrelevant, and plastic augmentation is already possible.
Plastic: stages and essence of the procedure

If there are no serious indications for plastic surgery, but only the desire of a man, the doctor prescribes a consultation with a psychologist. It is he who confirms the sanity of a man, and issues the appropriate permission for plastic enlargement of the penis.
As a rule, then the doctor acquaints the patient with the course of the procedure, tells some of the nuances, and can provide a photo before and after the corrective intervention.
Often, the doctor can show not only a photo, but also a video to demonstrate the process and prepare the patient. Further, men take tests in the clinic, which are necessary before plastic surgery:
- Complete blood count, reaction to clotting.
- Blood group, Rh factor.
- Blood glucose level.
- Fluorography.
- General urine analysis.
- ECG.
If a man is over 60 years old, then there must be a conclusion of a therapist, who is considered safe for a particular patient. Plastic enlargement of the penis occurs as follows:
- The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
- The man's groin and penis are treated with an antiseptic solution, covered with sterile linen.
- Further, the doctor, through a specific incision, "gets" to the supporting ligaments of the penis, excises them in a special way, as a result of which the hidden part of the organ can be released.
- Then the internal ligaments are sutured a little higher, as a result, the penis becomes longer.
The duration of the procedure varies from 1 hour to 3 hours. As a rule, it takes 1-1. 5 hours to increase the length of the penis, and more than 3 hours to increase the volume of the organ.
It is also worth noting that this procedure must be approached with special care, paying attention not only to the price, but also to the clinics themselves, it is advisable to study the reviews of the stronger sex, read the recommendations.
It is advisable to dwell on the cost and say that it depends on many parameters: the equipment of the clinic, the qualifications of the surgeon, additional medical services.
And also, in some medical centers, the cost of plastic surgery also includes an extender - an orthopedic device that is recommended to be worn after the intervention.
Although men recommend not to forget local remedies that effectively consolidate the results after surgery.
Consequences of the operation

Despite the fact that penis enlargement surgery is performed quite often, is popular and has helped many men, there is a risk of certain complications. All complications are conventionally divided into two categories:
- Natural complications that have arisen due to surgical intervention.
- Possible complications after surgery.
The first group includes bleeding that occurs at the initial stage of healing of the penis, as well as the onset of infection.
As a rule, such complications can form when the patient is in stationary conditions, and with the prompt response of the doctor, they are correctly leveled.
Potential complications include the following:
- The angle of erection of the penis changes. That is, if earlier a member in an erect state "looked" to the right, then after the intervention "looks" to the left.
- Decreased sensitivity of the penis.
- The development of erectile dysfunction, as a result of which it is difficult to achieve an erection, the penis during foreplay is soft, which makes it difficult to have intercourse.
- After six months after the operation, the penis may become deformed. The situation can be corrected only by repeated surgical intervention.
- Decreased potency.
- Death of the tissues of the penis (if the thickness was increased).
The above list of complications shows that surgery to enlarge the genital organ has its own pitfalls that must be taken into account before venturing into this procedure.
However, if the operation is already a resolved issue, it is important to prepare for it: study the photo and video materials of the procedure, read all possible reviews of men about the chosen clinic, consult several specialists in order to make the right choice, and not be mistaken.